
Automatic unwinding and rewinding system in Coating Process

2024/06/14 11:48:51

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At Qingdao JIERUIXIN Machinery and Technology Co., Ltd., our advanced automatic paper jointing technology in the paper coating process significantly enhances production efficiency, minimizes energy waste, reduces production costs, and eases the labor intensity for operators while improving product quality.

Automatic Jointing System Overview

The automatic jointing system consists of two main processes: unwinding jointing and rewinding jointing.


1. Automatic Unwinding Jointing

Our automatic unwinding stand features a rotating arm and a transmission mechanism with a reducer, enabling the arm to complete a full rotation approximately every 1.5 minutes. At both ends of the rotating arm, there are A and B paper splicing stands equipped with a dual-position structure for shaftless power transmission.

Automatic unwinding jointing involves seamlessly joining a new paper roll when the current one finishes coating, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted production without deceleration. Typically, there is no need to shut down the process under normal circumstances.

Automatic Unwinding Process:

  1. Preparation: Pre-apply double-sided tape to the B paper roll.
  2. Acceleration: As the A paper roll nears completion, the rotating arm pre-accelerates the B paper roll to match the linear speed of the A roll.
  3. Splicing: A paper cutting knife, driven by a cylinder, lifts the trailing edge of the A paper roll. This edge adheres to the double-sided tape on the B roll, and the knife swiftly cuts the trailing edge of the A roll, starting the coating on the B roll.
  4. Transition: The B paper roll transitions to normal operation, the core tube from the A roll is removed, a new roll is loaded, and the process repeats.

  5. automatic-paper-splicer.jpg

2. Automatic Rewinding Jointing

The automatic rewinding jointing process mirrors the unwinding jointing, involving A and B paper rolls with steel core tubes for both parts. Unlike unwinding, the motor remains actively rotating throughout the rewinding process.

Automatic Rewinding Process:

  1. Preparation: Adhere double-sided tape to the steel tube of the B paper roll.
  2. Acceleration: As the A paper roll nears completion, the B paper roll with the steel tube pre-accelerates to match the linear speed of the A roll.
  3. Splicing: The trailing edge of the A paper roll is cut off, and the joint of the B paper roll adheres to it, initiating rewinding.
  4. Transition: The A paper roll is unloaded, a new steel tube is loaded, and the process repeats, achieving continuous automatic jointing.

For successful automatic jointing, it is crucial to synchronize the linear speeds of the A and B paper rolls during unwinding and rewinding. Additionally, the double-sided tape must be applied neatly and flatly on both the B unwinding paper rolls and the A rewinding paper roll steel tubes to prevent paper tearing.

About Qingdao JIERUIXIN Industries Co., Ltd.

Qingdao JIERUIXIN Industries Co., Ltd. is a leading specialist in the paper coating industry, serving customers worldwide for decades. Our team of expert chemists designs exclusive formulas tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. With extensive experience in establishing paper coating machine lines and supplying chemicals, we are the preferred choice for companies in the paper coating industry seeking comprehensive support, from paper and machinery to chemicals. We welcome inquiries and invite you to experience our exceptional service and superior quality firsthand.

